Welcome to Sebatar!

To generate an avatar you simply create your avatar url. It consists of 3 parts:

  1. The base url: https://avatar.anytimefitness.com/photo/
  2. The hashed username. Build this by performing the following steps:
    1. Trim all whitespace surrounding the username
    2. Lowercase the username
    3. Generate an MD5 hash on the result
  3. Options. We provide the following options:
    • size (or s) — Change the size of the generated Avatar. The value of size will be the width and height of the resulting image. Valid values are between 0 and 1000.
    • placeholder — If no avatar is associated with the provided username sebatar will display a placeholder image instead. Currently there are three options:
      • runningman This is the default option.
      • silhouette This is a more anthropomorphic option.
      • camera This should only be used for actions that result in setting an avatar.
      • none
        Will return 404 response code if no avatar exists for the given username
The resulting url might look like: https://avatar.anytimefitness.com/photo/27B27235EB86E6473B1259CEC168B742?s=250&placeholder=camera. This produces the image: